We just had this awful freezing rain in Minnesota, it covered everything with this thin layer of ice and everything is really slippery. I'd almost rather it was like 100 out. Ume fits in this handy lime sorbet container.
Alas the whale shark will probably not show up again... but look! Ume made another friend! This one apparently comes with flying sea life and rainbows!
As a college student, there are days when Ume doesn't have class and all she does is sit around in her pjs. It's good fun. Normally it involves afternoon breakfast food and watching bad movies while trying to work on homework. Ume is successful at this combination of incidents about 1/3 of the time.
Note: Today is the Minneapolis Indie Xpo at The Soap Factory! Please come join us if you can! Info can be found here.
Fizz is a turtle who lives around Ume, he sort of lurks in a lake nearby and sometimes Ume goes to visit him. He lives with his turtle family on a log by and little island. I will draw the island that Fizz lives near someday. It is very small, as it is a small lake, and Fizz is a small turtle.
Ume twists her sandwich cookies, eats the filling, then dips. Thank you very much.
Also, ever wonder about the weirdo names that Amaya's given her doopy noodle people? Check it out! This magical link will tell you all you need to know~
Ume loves pockets. Pockets are great, girl pants are lame because they have tiny pockets. I think the assumption is that the female gender will carry a purse or some such to put their wallet, keys, etc. in. Not so says Ume, pockets are grand.
Ume is more of a fan of the Gandalf type wizard than the Harry Potter type wizard, but anything will do, in a pinch. Different coloring for this one. Doop doop.
Ume is pretty awful at playing videogames. Recently she's been trying out 360 games, obviously it's not going so well, maybe she should try something else... Or maybe she should just switch back to the PS2.
Breakfast food is awesome. Except it's rarely best when served for breakfast. Lunch time is better, dinner is best. At 4am it's the bestest. Aww yeah. Pancakes.
Another cat comic. Honestly it's because I like drawing them way too much. Derpcats that is. Will not be posting towards the end of this week (Thursday-Sunday) but will be after that. Maybe. Kinda. Ehhh. Also apparently my colors look totally different when on a PC laptop. Might try and fix that sometime soon.
Ume is a tasty burrito all wrapped up for bed. My sleep schedule is so wonky right now. It's criminal. I have stuff to do, but nothing gets done until after 4pm. Ah well. I actually do this quite a lot in the winter, or bury myself in stuffed animals.
Ume and I are both pretty wretched at video games, but we keep playing them because it's fun. Failing is fun, right? The only difference is that Ume probably doesn't swear at inanimate objects (like her DS) a lot.